So I’ve got my nerdy new trainers and just in time it seems. I went to Runners Need where they film you running and slow it down to show you how your foot hits the floor.

My feet were landing at some strange angle that looked like it was going to break my ankles. So the woman assessing me prescribed me with these beauties which, when she showed me the footage of me running in them, had solved my problem.

Newly kitted out with my running stash I thought I’d try running out on the road, so on Saturday morning I put on my new trainers ready to pound the pavements of south-west London.

Oh dear. Nobody told me that running on the road is far more difficult than running on a treadmill. I managed what can only be termed a ‘shuffle’ round the park before limping home having completed 2.5km. Well I’m quarter of the way there (not including the big-ass hill).