Last night I put my injured leg up and watched the TV and it wasn’t long before I was flicking from what I thought I should be watching (BBC4) to what I wanted to watch but wasn’t proud about. ‘Are you fitter than a pensioner?’ on BBC3 sees four unhealthy Brits in their late teens and early 20s shipped over to America to live for a week with some super-fit oldies who put them through their paces and then challenge them to a sporting head-to-head.

“21-year-old fried chicken addict Kevin Jay, 22-year-old lazy part time mum Caroline Miller, 18-year-old authority-hating smoker Jacqualine Oliver and 21-year-old body-conscious pizza-scoffing Sean Ryan are about to have their worlds turned upside down.”

We all know that a lot of young people today are seriously unfit, so it was no surprise to see them struggling to swim one length of a pool or not being able to complete one sit-up, and it didn’t make for interesting viewing. And I’m not judging them – I earned my Lazy girl title the easy way, by doing veru little exercise until a few years ago. But what facinated me about this programme was how super-fit some of these pensioners were. I’ve run a marathon this year in a pretty resonable time and yet I’d be worried about going head-to-head in a 10K with 60-year-old Mari Matelski. I hope that I can continue putting in the miles when I’m that age.