Since the Wimbledon 10k, the running has subsided a bit. I think I’ve run three times in total in the gym and had one very unsuccessful attempt at running outside. I was in a bad mood and I stormed out the door and didn’t stretch fully before I started. I thought that running angry would burn off my tension and make me run with more vigor. I was wrong.
I thought that booking a half marathon would spur me on to train. It hasn’t. So I’m reworking my training schedule and giving myself a big kick up the arse.
Notice how the half marathon date and event hasn’t been revealed – think I’m still trying to give myself room to chicken out of it. Watch this space for details.
I’ve also gone out on an angry run, and it ended up with a two weeks of rest due to a hurting knee…
Hi Elizabeth. Good luck with the training. I hope you enjoy running!