It’s April. Which for a lot of people means TAPER TIME! I’ve done enough marathons now (11 at last count) to know that the couple of weeks before a marathon, when you’re running less miles and eating lots of food isn’t always as fun as it sounds – this is when the panic sets in.
Should I have run more?
Why did I miss all those runs?
What’s that funny feeling in my leg?
Have I forgotten how to run?
Why am I doing this?
Can I really run 26.2 miles?
I’ve been through this 11 times. Trust me, everything is going to be fine. If you want to ask me a question or just let some of those thoughts and worries out so they stop circling round your head, use the comments box below or head over to my Facebook page. I’ll do my best to calm any nerves.
I’m tapering at the moment – but only for a few more days – phew. The best word I’ve heard to describe it is ‘maranoia’ – when you’re worried about everything that could go wrong in the weeks leading up to a marathon!
Good luck with it. Hope you have a great race.