I sat down by the side of the road and refused to move. I’d thrown my bike towards the hedge. I wasn’t getting back on it.

“I’m not moving, you’ll have to come back and fetch me in the van.”

It was a hot day in the Lake District. We’d headed out for a 30 mile ride without taking any snacks – we ride 30 miles round north London without any fig rolls, we thought nothing of it.

But we weren’t in Kansas anymore. The hills of north London were nothing compared to those we encountered in the lakes.

Half way up Wrynose Pass and it’s 30% gradient we passed a car that had broken down. Not long after I dismounted to save my legs from the same fate. The road was so steep that it was impossible for me to get back on again so I slowly walked up to the top in my socks.


The top of the pass was worth it, the views down into the valley were brilliant. The downhill the other side was fast but twisted and turned. I spent most of my time squeezing my breaks and looking out for soft patches I could throw myself at should I need to.

I spent a long five miles looking for a pub that might serve food as hunger grew and my energy levels dropped. Each time we’d approach a village or some buildings, often to be disappointed. Finally we found one and we filled out bellies in the sun, but climbing back on my bike after was difficult. My legs had had enough.

The end of our ride didn’t seem to get any closer and every corner meant riding up another hill. After several hours out in the hot sunshine, I’d had enough. I sat down and refused to move.

Phil was riding with me that day. He rode off up the road and returned an hour later with the van to collect me. It wasn’t my finest moment. It was a few days after my failed attempt at Ironman Bolton and the miles of that race had taken a greater toll on my body and mind than I’d let myself believe.

It’s not the first time I’ve had a tantrum on a bike though, and it probably won’t be the last. There’s no recovery van on our cycling adventure this week though.

You can follow this week’s bicycle adventure on Instagram where I’ll post a picture of where we find ourselves each day.