Running injuries: avoiding them and fixing them

Running injuries: avoiding them and fixing them Being injured sucks. Last year I dropped out of a half marathon half way with a problem with my right leg. It was the right decision to make but that didn't make it easy. I saw a physio, had some time off and have been sticking to low [...]

2017-11-28T16:14:18+00:008 February 2017|

Running Your First Marathon

Everyone remembers their first time right?  Beforehand you have so many questions but you're embarrassed to ask some of them for fear of seeming inexperienced and getting laughed at. And after it's done you feel like a different person. You walk a bit taller, that's when the soreness has subsided and you can walk properly [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:11+01:0023 January 2017|
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