Inspiring viewing: 7 documentaries for runners

Are you bored of Christmas telly yet? Yeah, me too. Here's a list of documentaries that I've watched this year and that will inspire you to put your trainers on and go outside. The Fall - Zola Budd Vs Mary Decker (Sky) The Fall tells the tale of Zola Budd and Mary Deckerand their much-anticipated [...]

2017-11-28T11:51:19+00:0027 December 2016|

Starting swimming again: tips for the pool shy

I asked my friend Josie to take me swimming the other day. I haven't been swimming for a long time and, for various reasons, even though I survived a mass swim start of an Ironman with 2000 other swimmers, I was nervous about going to the pool. It can be scary and intimidating doing something [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:12+01:0019 December 2016|

Incontinence: what can be done to help?

This is the third and final blog in my series on incontinence in partnership with Depend. If you missed the first on the stigma of incontinence and a podcast talking to two women on exercising with incontinence, I recommend you catch up on those. Incontinence is a very common condition. Research by Depend found that one [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:12+01:0015 December 2016|

Running every day, and other silly challenges

There's something about December and January that prompt an upswing in silly challenges doing the rounds. Already this month I've seen a 500 kettlebell swing challenge, a running every day from Thanks Giving to Christmas challenge, and a 5 minute plank challenge. And they all make me do a big sigh. I don't want any [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:12+01:007 December 2016|
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