Episode 19: Running and incontinence

Adrian Brooks/Imagewise A few weeks ago I spent the morning with a group of women who are speaking up about their incontinence in the hope that other who are experiencing it will feel less ashamed of their symptoms and seek help. The event was put on Depend and I want to thank them [...]

2018-02-06T11:29:42+00:0024 November 2016|

Running cross country: what you need to know

Running cross country: what you need to know When I talk to runners about cross country, their reaction is often one of fear. A lot of us were put off running altogether by memories of doing cross country at school, and often runners really don't want to go back to that place. Remember, though, that [...]

2019-10-24T12:52:12+01:0021 November 2016|

When should you start marathon training?

When should you start training for your marathon? Well there's no hard and fast answer to this that applies to everyone. In the back of my mind, that first time I got on a treadmill nearly nine years ago I was training for a marathon. I didn't know when or where it would be, and [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:13+01:0015 November 2016|

Runners need to talk about incontinence and bladder weakness

As runners, we’re more comfortable than most talking about our bodily functions. I chat openly with friends about whether or not we’ve had our pre-race poo yet. We bemoan the long queue for the loos and discuss the best places on runs to go for a mid-run wee. I've even written about my periods in [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:13+01:0027 October 2016|

Writing about running: 100 Runs Later

I've always written. When I was young I used to write stories. I had notebooks full of stories and a typewriter I used to bash out scenes on. Then when I left university I started getting paid to write. I wrote for newspapers and magazines, some more exciting than others. I worked for many years [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:13+01:0018 October 2016|
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