Episode 18: Running and pregnancy

A few weeks ago I took a walk round Wimbledon Common with Kate Lewis and her son Bertie. While Bertie slept, Kate and I talked about running during and after pregnancy. She shared her experience of running through her two pregnancies and returning to running after birth. I mention a US athlete called Sarah Brown [...]

2018-02-06T11:30:33+00:0016 September 2016|

99min half, week 6: Taking stock

This week I was running through the park when a conker fell from a tree missing me by about a foot. My first thought was 'that would have really hurt' swiftly followed by 'Oh crap, it's nearly Autumn'. The Great Eastern Run isn't the only sporting event taking place in Peterborough in early October. The [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:17+01:0028 August 2016|
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