The Comeback Kid’s road to London Marathon

Guest blog by Phil. Running downhill is fun. Even after 25 miles. Splish splosh I go down the wet slide of a hill towards Llanberris and the finish line of the Snowdonia marathon.    Running downhill is fun. Even when two people in front of me slip over into what appears to be a peat [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:21+01:0014 February 2016|

5 things I’ve learned working for myself

Since I started working as a coach, PT and freelance writer full-time in January, I've found it a steep learning curve. There's no manual for this type of life, so I'm learning as I go. Here's a few things I've learned so far. Nobody will tell you what to do It's a major plus point [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:22+01:004 February 2016|

Guest post: 4 ways to feel less stuck and make decisions that feel good

My friend Liz Goodchild, who you may remember from the New Year podcast, helps people make changes in their life and has written a guest post.   Being stuck is horrible. And gritted-teeth frustrating. Being stuck sits just below the surface of your life and it creeps up slowly, weaving its way in. You don't notice it [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:22+01:0013 January 2016|
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