Fitness gadgets and chatting on the radio

Yesterday I was on BBC Radio Scotland's Personal Best programme again, this time talking about fitness trackers. They first had me on a few weeks back reviewing running apps and invited me back this week to review a few fitness trackers in the run up to Christmas. I don't actually have to travel to Scotland [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:24+01:008 December 2015|

The art of the running selfie

Mainsteam media would have you believe that selfies are a 21st Century phenomena. They're not. I'm old enough to remember cameras that took film, holding them at arm's length and smooshing your face against a friend's then sending the film off to be developed only for your pictures to be returned to you weeks later [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:24+01:0024 November 2015|

Couch to half marathon: my sister’s story

Couch to half marathon: my sister's story My sister, Emma, writes about becoming a runner and running her first half marathon. 10 months ago I made the decision to get fit. I have two young children and found the act of physically chasing them in the park hard work. Exercise and I are not good friends. [...]

2020-08-26T16:38:45+01:0012 November 2015|
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