This woman can coach

Last week a new initiative called Reach launched to encourage more women into coaching. Women are hugely under-represented in coaching, and as there's a lack of volunteer coaches across the country, it makes sense: more women coaches = more coaches. By sheer coincidence, last week I started coaching a new session for the Serpentine running club where [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:28+01:0027 October 2015|

Bournemouth marathon: the race that wasn’t

Maybe I shouldn't have started Bournemouth marathon. There were times during the week leading up to it when I thought it wouldn't be a decision that I'd have to make not to run. That it would be out of my hands. I hadn't run in nearly two weeks. A niggle in my right leg after [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:29+01:004 October 2015|

On pre-race nerves

One question that I get asked (though it didn't feature in 'Ask me anything') is whether I still get nervous about races. The answer is: I do and I don't. For me, that anxious tightening in my stomach comes from a lot of things: stress about getting to the start on time, remembering everything I [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:29+01:002 October 2015|

Not running every day

I do a lot of things I shouldn't when it comes to running. I run too many races for a start (10 marathons and above in 12 months, whoops) and I sometimes run on a niggle when I know I shouldn't. But running every day without a rest - that's not something I can get [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:29+01:001 October 2015|

Running on holiday: Lisbon

I like running and I like going on holiday. So it's no surprise that I like to do both at the same time. Running on holiday isn't something I do because I feel I HAVE to get a few runs in, I do it because I enjoy running. And running on holiday means I've got [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:29+01:0029 September 2015|

Your questions answered

I invited you to ask me anything, and you didn't disappoint. Thanks to everyone who responded. Here's my answers to your questions. Tips for first time marathons? I’m running my first in November. Do you ever run with music? Marni Tips for first-time marathons - I guess my main one would be enjoy it. That [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0028 September 2015|
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