Marathon kit – tried and tested

My last long run acted as a dress rehearsal for marathon day. Although, as I found out the hard way at Venice marathon, the weather can change and kit decisions need to be made last minute, I like to give my planned race-day outfit a whirl before the big day. So on my last 16-miler [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0023 September 2015|

Running without music

A few months ago I took part in a relay in Lapland. I was running a 15 mile section with two women I’d never met before. As we waited for the baton to be handed to us, we chatted nervously about our stage. Two cyclists sped towards us, handed us our baton and we were off running through an [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0021 September 2015|

Ask Me Anything: Part Two

It's a while since I first opened up the floor to take questions. And as I've got a bit of spare time on my hands while tapering ready for Bournemouth marathon, I thought I'd do it again. So, just like last time: ask whatever you like. Stuff about running, stuff that's not about running. Questions [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0018 September 2015|

Marathon training: Go your own way

Thirteen weeks ago I started training for Bournemouth Marathon with a lot of hopes and goals for what was to come. But when it comes down to it, if I had one wish for this marathon training cycle it would be this: make it through training without picking up an injury. And it looks like [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0013 September 2015|

So that was summer

Setting off to run to work this morning it definitely felt like the start of autumn. For the first mile I wished I'd dug out a pair of gloves, my hands were pretty chilly. In the spirit of 'don't be sad it's over...' I spent the nine mile run thinking of nine great things that [...]

2015-09-03T16:58:09+01:003 September 2015|

Don’t fear the hills

When I trained for my first 10k race seven years ago, I was acutely aware that there was a big hill half way round the race route. I lived of the side of this hill and avoided even walking up it. I knew how big it was. So I did the obvious thing and avoided it [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0031 August 2015|

My marathon training week

Last week I shared the details of each of my runs, and any other training, via Instagram with the hashtag #mytrainingweek. I don’t often post the nitty gritty of what training I’m doing because I’m not sure how useful or interesting it is. But I wanted to show an example of what my week looks [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:30+01:0024 August 2015|

Episode 9: The Swim Run

Me and Katie headed off to run 14 miles across London stopping for three dips along the way, on a swim adventure inspired by the likes of The Swimmer and the Breca swim-run. The thing about women not being able to swim in ponds and rivers until fairly recently is explained much better in this [...]

2018-02-06T11:40:15+00:0022 August 2015|

Making running fun

Yesterday I was a guest on BBC Radio Scotland's programme 'Personal Best' with Gillian Russell. The show was all about how to make running more fun - my specialist subject. I ran to the studio from my office (because nobody can see you sweating over the radio) and then ran home again. I thought it [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:31+01:0018 August 2015|

Marathon training update: pace

Bournemouth marathon is now just seven weeks away. That's four big training weeks and then a three-week taper. It's starting to seem really close and I've got mixed feelings about that. I'm excited to run this race and aim for a PB (under 3:38), but I know I'll need the next four weeks to get [...]

2017-06-23T07:39:31+01:0017 August 2015|
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